How to Perform an IP Configuration in Windows Vista

Performing IP configuration in Windows Vista is almost the same as how you perfrom an IP configuration in Windows XP. It's just that, the way how to access the Command prompt is a little bit different though much easier.

►Click the Windows Vista Orb ( or simply the round button in the lower left corner of your window)
►Now, there are 3 ways how to access the command prompt from the start menu◘ By typing "CMD" or "Command" in the "Start Seach" field box at the bottom part of the menu
◘ By clicking "All Programs", then select "Accessories", then choose "Command Prompt" from the accessories option panel
◘ There's also a "command prompt" icon on the start menu. just click it and you will be directed to the Command prompt window

►The Command Prompt window will appear or in layman's term, they called it the "black Window or black box"
►Now right where the cursor is blinking, just type "ipconfig"
► Then after a few seconds, the command prompt will response and it will provide you the "Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection" info which includes the IPv6 address, Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway.

♫ You can also go to the control panel and choose the "Local Area Network Connection" icon. Right click the icon and select "Status" from the option. The "Local Area Connection Status" box will appear. Just click the "Support" tab and it will then provide you the IP information

How to Perform an IP Configuration in Windows XP

We're done discussing some troubleshooting steps for some modem issues. Now, we are going to a more detailed part of troubleshooting. I will begin it with "How To Perform an IP Configuration" for different Operating Systems like Windows XP, Vista and Macintosh.
We will start with Windows XP.
Why do we need to perform an IP Configuration? First, IP Configuration will provide you a detailed information and will help you to locate the following:
◘ IP Address - is a numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes.
◘ Subnet Mask - is a logically visible, distinctly addressed part of a single Internet Protocol network.
◘ Default Gateway - is a node (a router) on a TCP/IP Network that serves as an access point to another network.

Other uses of IP Configuration
◘ Fix some IP related problems (169 IP addess for example)
◘ Renew / Release Ipo address
◘ Flush DNS Control
◘ Ping modem and websites
◘ Fix Winsock Error

Now, let's start with the basic which is how to track the IP ADDRESS.

►Click the "Start" button
►From the start menu click "RUN"
►The "Run" box will appear
►On the text box, just type "CMD" or "COMMAND"►The Command Prompt window will appear or in layman's term, they called it the "black Window or black box"
►Now right where the cursor is blinking, just type "ipconfig"
► Then after a few seconds, the command prompt will response and it will provide you the "Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection" info which includes the IP address, Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway.

♫ You can also access the "command Prompt" by choosing "Accessories" from the start menu, then another panel will appear, then choose "Command Prompt".
♫ Or go to the control panel and choose the "Local Area Network Connection" icon. Right click the icon and select "Status" from the option. The "Local Area Connection Status" box will appear. Just click the "Support" tab and it will then provide you the IP information
♫ You can also click the "Local Area Network" icon from your system tray". Right click and choose "Status' from the options. The "Local Area Connection Status" will appear

Evolution of Technology

Technology evolves from time to time and it’s very uncontrollable. We can do a lot of stuffs using the internet. From a simple Search engine, it turns out to become a multi-purpose tool for everyone. Some used the Internet for business purposes while others used it for fun and entertainment. For game lovers, we can download computer games with a great and wide selection using the net. You can also buy mac games if you’re using Macintosh. For music lovers, there are sites that offer great production music online and allow you to download music files for your mp3. For aspiring writers, there are plenty of social networking sites that offer micro blogging that allows them to express their thoughts and share their articles online. We can do a lot of things through Internet and I wonder what will happen to this technology ten years from now.

Internet Light is Red/ Off or Blinking

We're heading down to the last light in your Modem. We're done with the Power Light, Ethernet Light and DSL Light, now we're moving forward to the Internet light. Internet is quite different from the first three lights in terms of Trouble Shooting. Troubleshooting the power, Ethernet and DSL involves hardware issues and it deals mostly with the physical connection. In other hands, internet, as the word suggest, deals with Software issues.
When the Internet light in your modem is Off/Red/ or blinking Green, these are the possible reasons:
◘ Modem Configuration Error
◘ Bad IP Address
◘ Browser Issues
◘ Firewall Settings

This error mostly occurred in all newly installed modems and if the internet light is RED. There are two ways to install your Modem - it's either through the Installation Cd or installing it manually. As a part of this installation process, you will be required to establish your own user name and password for your modem's Graphical User Interface or GUI. In some cases, Installation cd failed to update your newly made personal information like the username and password in your Modem's GUI which causes the sudden lost of connection. As long as you know your username and password, there's nothing to worry about it, all you have to do is to access the modem's GUI by typing the Default Gateway (you can get this information by performing an IP Configuration) in your address bar, then it will take you automatically to the modem's interface. There should be a section or button in that web page that says "Login". After clicking the Login button, it will then take you to the Authentication page where it will require you to enter your username and password. If the username and password fill box are blank, simply enter the necessary information then hit "connect". If there's something written in both fill box and there's a "disconnect" button below, then hit the "disconnect" button, then it will now allow you to edit those information to your newly updated username and password, then hit connect. The internet light must turn from Red to a solid Green Light. ( i will discuss this in much detailed information soon)

If you got a bad IP address or simply a 169 IP Address, there's a big possibility that the problem is on your firewall settings or the computer is corrupted, affected by virus and other malicious softwares and more. This problem required a support from an expert and professional Techinician.

There are websites that contains viruses that may harm your computer and the best way to troubleshoot this is to optimize your browser, clear the private date, clear cache, cookies and browsing history. Check if the browser is secured againts malicious software like "Rouge Software" which will really harm the entire system of your PC. ( i will disccuss this muchj further soon)

There should only have one Antivirus and other related software installed in your PC. Multiple softwares will just give conflicts to each other which will cause a sudden lost of Internet connection.

Internet connection will be affeced by some radio signals especially from cellular phones. It would be better to place your modem 2 feet away from any other EMI or RFI devices. Burglar alarma may also cause an internet interuption.

The DSL Light is not Lit

Before we proceed to the troubleshooting steps, let me have a short recap of all the things we tackeld before about the Modem Sync. We're done discussing about how to troubleshoot your modem if the Power Light in Your Modem is OFF, and so as the Ethernet Light.
The third and next Light after the Ethernet is the DSL Light which is considered as the most important light among all the lights you have in your modem. Westell 2100 and other old version of its kind, DSL is labeled as "Ready Light" while in 2wire 1800 (and other old versions) , DSL is labeled as "Local Network"
But what is DSL? And why do we considered it as the most important light in your Modem? DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. ADSL or Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line or DSL for short is a high speed internet service that provides online access and allows you to use the Internet. DSL operates over the standard phone lines just like the dial-up service but it is way much better than the dial up knowing that DSL works much faster and does not tie up with the phone line. Meaning to say, you can use your Internet and your phone at the same time unlike the dial-up system.
You suppose to see three cables connected at the back of your modem; The Power Adapter which is connected to the Power Outlet; The Ethernet Cable which connects your modem to your computer; and the last one which is the Phone Line that connects your modem into the wall Phone jack. From the Phone jack, the computer's digital signal will be sent across the telephone lines in to the central office or what they called DSLAM. DSLAM is the central hub that acts as a switchboard for local DSL clients, routing requests and responses between each client’s computer address and the Internet.
By checking the lights in your modem, if you see that the DSL light in your modem is blinking or not lit at all, there might be a problem in your server. However, there are cases that the problem is also in your part and that is what we are going to discuss.


►If the DSL Light is not working, the first thing that you have to do is to check the physical connection. As long as you have a steady green light in Power and Ethernet, you can go directly and check the Phone line that connects your modem to the phone jack.
►Do a Sequence Power Cycle
►Make sure that you have a Dual filter installed in your phone jack. Dual Filter acts as a separator, filtering both phone signal and DSL signal. Without a dual filter installed in the phone jack will interrupt your connection.
►Check the other Phone Jacks. Check if all the phone jack is working properly. To test if the phone jack where your modem is currently connected is working, you can bypass your modem temporarily and connect it in each Phone jacks you have in your house. If the DSL lit up, the Phone jack that you're using is the one that causes the trouble. It is advisable to contact a technician to fix the line for you.
►Check other devices connected in all the phone jacks you have. Some devices may interupt the connection. If you're using a TiVo box for example, this may interrupt the DSL signal especially if you don't have any filter installed in each of the phone jacks yu have.
►Bypass the dual filter. To check if the Dual Filter is the one that causes the interruption, bypass the dual filter and connect the DSL cable directly to the phone jack. If the DSL lit up, then the dual filter is either busted o not working properly. Replacement of the dual filter is advisable.
►If you're done with all the steps above and still, the DSL light is OFF, There's a possibility that the modem is not configured correctly.
►In order to configure your modem, we have to enter its GUI or Graphical User Interface.
►Do an IP Configuration to check if we have the correct IP address and Default Gateway. Open the command prompt, type "ipconfig" and get the IP Address and the "Default Gateway"
►If you got the correct IP address, then take note of the Default gateway.
►Leave or close th command prompt and open a browser. (You are not connected yet, so expect to see a "Page Cannot Be Displayed Error" in your webpage. Type the Default Gateway in the address bar ( for example)
►You must see now the GUI of your modem. The configuration of a modem depends upon the type of modem that you're using. If you don't know how to operate the GUI, it is better to ask for an assistance from your respective ISP or manufacturer.
►After doing all the process above, you should now be connected unless you have this following issues
◘ Conflict with the firewall settings
◘ There's an Outage in your Area
◘ Billing Issue
◘ Newly Installed Modem. After the installation of your modem, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are now connected. It may also takes time depending upon the time frame povided by your ISP.
◘ Disconnected in Error. Contact your ISP

Our next and last Modem Light to discuss is the Internet Light!